a version control system for wordpress magazines
This project is maintained by h3r2on
Before activating the plugin add mic_issue and the version number as a custom field on each post.
On activation the plugin will set the homepage to use only posts from the version set in the admin section. This theme uses the pre_get_posts()
function to alter The Loop query. Some custom themes will break this. If this plugin does not work out of the box you'll need to add this manually before the query_posts($args)
call(s) depending on how complex your theme is.
$current_issue = get_option('mic_current_issue');
if (defined('MIC_ISSUE')) {
$metaq = array(
'key' => 'mic_issue',
'value' => MIC_ISSUE,
'compare' => '='
} else {
$metaq = array(
'key' => 'mic_issue',
'value' => $current_issue,
'compare' => '='
$args['meta_query'] = $metaq;
Allows for a beta switch to test the next version this requires the Edit Flow plugin to add a custom post status until this bug is fixed
allow custom set versions to persist past the main page.